Hallo to all of you!
My last days in Perth have come....
I am still workingat the hospital. Having a good time there.
At the moment there is no wind arounf Perth, but still alot of lot of things to do!
At the moment the Culture Festival in Perth is on for one month!
There are great events: Operas( Md Butterfly), theatres like Shakespears Midsummernight´s Deam, a lot of Music events and Concerts, Open air Cinemas. This city is just great!! I am really enjoying some culture for once.....
I will have one last day sailing according to the forecast on Sunday.
than some last packing and organisation, have to give my rental car back. Here I want to say a big Thank you to the guys of the Car rental from Club red.- They helped me out a lot! Great deals. Find Info under:
Tuesday off to Europe...
Gonna be sad!!!
See you!