Once again,-and for that time finally at the beginning of the season I am back in Western Australia.
Juhuuuu!! After two weeks in Mauritius I flew directly to Perth with a 7hrs flight. Pretty easy going.
A good friend of mine- Stian- was already in Perth, just waiting for me to go up north again with his fully equipped camping car.... So in a three days time we made it back up to the "G-Spot" of the West coast. This time an incredible confortable trip!
At our arrival we were immediately welcome with a huge- I mean huge- swell!!!
This spot looked totally different then later in the season. The tide was scary low 8 like it is many times in september)- the reef clearly visible- and the waves were not only biiig, but massive!!!!!!! I went straight out sailing! Took me some time though to get used to this "New Place". the wave was sometimes really really sucky, Bubbles coming up all of a sudden and some broken gear was seen that day. Fortunately not mine...maybe i took it too easy...
The first three weeks up there were just great. Temperatures still very nice, not too hot, big waves, good surf, a second HUGE Swell. and tons of wales passing by on her way down south.
Now we are on a shopping trip back down in Carnarvon, getting food for another three weeks in Paradies!!
How much I love this place!!!!!

So next news will be at the end of my trip....
Hope you all had a good summer!