this post comes a little late....Too much stuff going on at the moment!
Mid february my urge to swim in the ocean was getting too big and I went in a last minute decision to Capetown for two weeks.
The first days on the water were a little hard for me. After a nearly four months brake my arms didnt have the usual power, and I also just recovered from a flu. But I was very lucky those two weeks with really good wind and wave conditions. Some good days at Platboom at the cape, some super windy sessions with 3.3. in Melkbos, a nice clean waveriding session in Yzer-Fontaine... Some more kitesurfing sessions trying a directional in the wave...Good sushi, good food, nice people. All in all a great holiday...and really necessary to load my batteries for the next University months...
Coming home we had incredible snow conditions for two weeks. Everyday again riding powder in front of my house in Innsbruck. UNREAL!!
Unfortunately I cannot post any pics, as the stupid baboons in the Cape national park stole my Camera- believe it or not!!!!
So as soon the little monkey baby sends me back the camera I will let you see some pics of this incredible winter!!
In the next six weeks I will hopefully finish my pharmacy studies and then everythings is going to be a little more relaxed....
Have a good day!