Hi everybody...
Times is racing...
Well, wanted to write a short update already three weeks ago.
I finished my Medicine studies end of January.
Hell YeaH!!!
Still I dont realize i am not a student anymore....after so many years of pharmacy and medicine studies....and freedom and travelling ;-))))
And to be honest - it is a little awkward feeling not to know what comes next....
But life would be boring if it continues always the same way- no?
and I am also excited to be soon working as a doctor...wherever in the world that might be...
Now I had three weeks of get togethers, friends, celebrations.... ( who says that after finishing an exam you can relax ;-)????)
The last week I travelled to Fuerteventura. The forecast looked pretty promising. Unfortunately the big swell got destroyed a bit by the wind for the surf, and the wind was rarely enough for sailing...but well- things don´t always turn out as we wish for.
the island is still super beautiful, desert, waves, great food....
Now one more week at home and I hope for some more snow to come.
Then I have to undergo a knee operation...pretty scared to be honest- but hopefully i have have less problems then with that knee...
Well and then I´ll see where life will lead me..
As the waiter said in fuerte:
"Los tiempos cambian"....