After four months in Western Australia I finally made it back home...Not easy! REality got me straight away. Strike of the ground personal on all the German airports ( I always have to fly to Munic because of my "little" luggage...No airplane would take it to the small Airport in Innsbruck...)HAd to wait a couple of hours in Frankfurt until I could take a flight to Munic. I made the best out of it and relaxed in the Miles and More lounge a had a couple of Proseccos at seven in the morning after 28 hrs of flying. I have to admit - that´s quite effective.....( Australien Beer-time is over..) The good thing was as well that my luggage got lost..and I didn´t have to carry it around the airport and load it on my car all by myself. HAte that! It should be delivered to my home by Lufthansa. the bad thing...It is still not here...SOmewhere between Frankfurt and Bangkok...Let´s hope!
In the evening back home in my flat ( all the flowers dead....2kilos of mails....) I just fell in my bed, deadly tired. But the next morning I woke up with this view in front of my window...See first pic!
--It was definatley not hard to get up!!
The first big snowfall since six weeks- just when I am back home. Great!

I quickly picked up my new Snowboards and up on the mountain!!!!!!
Lorch - my Surfboardsponsor, is now already developing and building Snowboards and Skis since two years. I was so excited to finally test them!!! And I have to admit they are great!!! Tested two different sizes and ended up loving the Advanced 152 for the slope and the Professional 157cm for powder. It is a bit big for me, but with that powder we had...perfect!!!!
Had a great day on the Stubaier Glacier...Just too many people here...I am not used to crowds in gondolas anymore...
Thats the view to the" Inntal" from up there..

This morning I went to a quick Backcountry-tour with the skies with a very good friend. We were pretty slowly getting up...First of all because we had to tell each other the last four months..second of all because I have to admitt that I am not in the best physical "mountain" shape at the moment. could really feel that my legs were not as strong as they used to be...Surfing is definately more for the arms....Hope it comes back soon!!!!
We had a great steep virgin white powder downhill face in front of us! SMile!!!!!!!!!
Thats a good way to come back!

This afternoon is now filled with a lot of organisation-work. I guess now I slolwy should start to get serious....have to get all four months of post and letters looked through, bills and bills to pay,....exams, university..
Its time!
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