I am back from Uzbekistan from our Heliboarding trip since a couple of days. Check out: http://www.snowxplore.de.
It was a great week for us girls as we could spend some time together again. Unfortunately - snowboarding wise - the trip did not turn out as planned. After some good rides on the first day, one Helicopter ingenieur had a very bad accident. This was a terrifying experience for all of us and we had to see that middle Asia is definately still a very different country concerning medical support. Good that our group was sticking together very well and we handled the situation quite good. I am still so sorry for that guy!!! After that accident we did not get any allowance to fly anymore. Very sad. So we made the best out of it and spent our time visiting this incredible country. Did some sightseeing in Samarkand- a great old city on the "silk-road", visited markets and bazars, went hiking in the mountains and had some parties together like in old times...I guess the three guys who were brave enough to join us - definately learned something new about woman.. ( Although I guess we did not behave like " average" woman..- sorry guys!) Definately we have to do some more trips the following years all together again! Ride on!
( pics by Marco Igel, Uli Hölzl)


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